Monday, 17 January 2011

Note From Management


This will be a blog that discusses a myriad of subjects. It will not be limited to social commentary, foreign policy, feminism, travel, history or cultural phenomenon. Nay! It shall be all those things, and possibly more! Although the one thing it will never be is a place for little tidbits on what I'm doing today. Sure there will be stories that relate to my existence, but rather then turn this blog into an egotistical mess of Each Moment is Precious, I'd rather focus on the larger picture.

But! You must know something about me. So here's the skinny:

I am a freelance writer who currently lives in Paris France. I came here from the US a few years back and am still trying to find my footing in this never ending expanse of a city. I have a dog, I hate pants, and believe that ice cream is actual medicine.  The French language is still slowly draining the life out of me, I think dark wooden pubs are where magic happens, and airplanes still blow my mind. 

I hope you enjoy.

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