Saturday, 29 January 2011

Why is Fox News Crediting Bush for the Revolution?

In a Fox News article that seemed to come straight from The Onion in terms of complete lunacy, Jennifer Griffin actually tries to credit Bush with the current revolutionary spirit running throughout the Middle East.
How? You might ask, was she able to much such an absurd connection? One quote and one suggestion. Literally. She hand picked on quote made by Condoleezza Rice in Cairo years ago:
“For 60 years, the United States pursued stability at the expense of democracy in the Middle East — and we achieved neither, now, we are taking a different course. We are supporting the democratic aspirations of all people.”
And picks up a weak idea barely propagated by Bush:
The Bush administration’s argument was that if the people of the Middle East don’t have political freedom then Arab youth will be pushed into mosques where they are readily recruited by Al Qaeda.
And of course they mention Obama trying to “pick up the baton” with his monumental speech to the Middle East shortly after being sworn in. But of course, according to Ms. Griffin, this means nothing because he failed to mention Egypt at the State of the Union Address.


You know sometimes there is just so much stupid in an article you don’t know where to start. So I’ll do what
I can to work through the 10 foot high wall of shit Griffin has laid out.

If anything, Bush worked ambitiously to quell protest within the Middle East. Time and time again we watched him hitch his star to Saudi investors, selling some of the biggest munitions deals in history to our ‘allies’ (read: Dictators) within the region (which include Saudi Arabia and Egypt). This was, of course, not to arm the people but to arm the government against them.

While he talked a lot about freedom in the region, he also had a tendency to shirk it whenever it actually came about. For instance when Hamas was elected democratically the US declared unambiguously that it refused to work with a Palestinian Authority that included Hamas.

Funny. I thought supporting freedom meant you support the people’s decision. But I guess ‘freedom’ to Bush only meant electing governments he could exploit or profit from. Let’s also not forget to mention that during the years Bush was in office Al Qaeda had record years for recruitment. There were also music videos depicting an Arab pop star punching out the faces of Rice and Bush. Why, the Arab world hated Bush so much I have a feeling that if he sanctioned revolution in Tunisia or Egypt, the citizens would have flocked to their dictators with flowers just to spite him.

Does Griffin even realize that Bush’s name, in the Middle East, is now a curse word? To call someone ‘Bush’ are some fightin words. I know a Moroccan woman named Bouchera and just to piss her off, her husband used to say, “Hey Bush…..ra” from the other room. The family would laugh. Bush. Now that’s a joke.

And finally, to live under this grand delusion that Bush’s words somehow sparked a revolution is just like assuming Julian Assange’s Wikileaks sparked a revolution. It takes the accomplishment away from the people who deserve it and puts it in the laps of white men who could really give a fuck less what happens in Tunisia and Egypt.

It is misappropriation due to an inherent racial superiority complex. Ms. Griffin should be ashamed of such a hack piece of work. Nobody is responsible for the Tunisian revolution except for the Tunisian men and women that have fought vigilantly for their rights. To credit otherwise shows just what a lack of judgment Fox News possesses.

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